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Minggu, 07 Oktober 2018


Nama                          : Khalil Nurul Islam, S.Ag
Pekerjaan                    : Pelajar atau Mahasiswa
TTL                              : Majene, 23 Mei  1995
Alamat sekarang         : Ma’had ‘Aly UIN Alauddin Makassar

Latar Belakang Pendidikan:
1.    SD Inpres no. 36 baruga
2.   Mts Pondok Pesantren Ihya’ul ‘Ulum DDI Baruga
3.    Ma  Pondok Pesantren Ihya’ul ‘Ulum DDI Baruga
4.    S1 Ilmu hadis khusus UIN Alauddin Makassar.

Pengalaman Organisasi:
1.    Ketua HMJ (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan) Ilmu Hadis UIN Alauddin Makassar Periode 2018-2019.
2.    Ketua IKAPI (Ikatan Alumni Pondok Pesantren Ihya’ul ‘Ulum) DDI Baruga Cab. Makassar periode 2017-2019
3.    Peserta ENJ (Ekspedisi Nusantara Jaya) 2017 di  kepulauan Bangka Belitung.
4.    Aktif di Forum Lingkar Pena (FLP) Ranting UIN Alauddin Makassar.  Penulis Buku Tujuh Penafsiran Sedekah dan Novel Tarbiyah Tuhan
5.    Anggota dari SANAD ( student and alumnus department) Tafsir Hadis Khusus Makassar.
6.    Anggota Tapak Suci UIN Alauddin Makassar.
7.    Anggota Divisi LITBANG FKMTHI (Forum Komunikasi Mahasiswa Tafsir Hadis Se-Indonesia) Periode 2018-2020.
8. Penulis di website

Prestasi diantaranya:
1.    Juara 1 lomba pidato tingkat SD.
2.   Juara 4 atau Harapan 1 fisika pada Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) tingkat Kabupaten.
3.  Juara 3 Musabaqah Fahmil Qur’an atau Cerdas cermat Qur’an Tingkat Kabupaten.
4.    Juara 2 Musabaqah Syarhil Qur'an tingkat kabupaten
5.    Juara 1 lomba pidato 4 bahasa tingkat Madrasah sekabupaten
6.    Juara 2 Musabaqah Syarhil Qur'an tingkat Madrasah sekabupaten
7.    Juara 3 Makalah Al-Qur'an pada MTQ ke 19 tingkat Kabupaten
8.    Juara 2 Makalah Al-Qur’an pada MTQ ke 20 tingkat Kabupaten
9.    Juara 2 Qira'atul Kutub antar Mahasiswa Tafsir Hadis khusus UIN Alauddin Makassar
10.  Juara 2 debat bahasa Arab yang diadakan Oleh PIBA UIN Alauddin Makassar.
11.  Juara 2 Musabaqah Syarhil Qur’an yang diadakan oleh Organisasi Esa antar Mahasiswa UIN Alauddin Makassar.
12.  Juara 2 Musabaqah Qiraatul Kutub antar Mahasiswa UIN Alauddin Makassar yang diadakan oleh HMJ Bahasa dan Sastra Arab UINAM
13.  Juara 2 Lomba Pidato Bahasa Indonesia antar Mahasiswa UINAM dan Umum, yang diadakan oleh DEMA Fakultas Ushuluddin Filsafat dan Politik.
14. Juara 1 Musabaqoh qiraatul kutub antar mahasiswa tafsir hadis khusus UIN Alauddin Makassar 2019.
15. Menjadi salah satu peraih anugerah literasi pada festival dan Anugerah literasi UINAM 2019.

Sabtu, 22 September 2018

Seminar Nasional HMJ ILHA UIN Alauddin Makassar

HMJ ilmu Hadis UIN Alauddin Makassar sukses mengadakan seminar nasional dengan tema "Integrasi Agama dan Politik, Mungkinkah."

Seminar Nasional itu sejatinya akan dibuka oleh wakil dekan tiga bidang kemahasiswaan Dr. Abdullah Thalib, M.Ag, namun karena beliau berhalangan hadir karena berada di luar daerah, seminar nasional itu akhirnya dibuka oleh ketua jurusan ilmu hadis Dr. Muhsin Mahfudz, M.Th.I.
Seminar Nasional itu sendiri dimoderatori oleh Rahmat Sandi, S.Hd., M.Ag yang merupakan alumni jurusan ilmu hadis UIN Alauddin Makassar dan sekarang menjadi dosen Hadis di STAI Al-Azhar gowa.
Misbah Mubarak Tamlyco, S.Hd. menjadi pembicara pertama dalam seminar nasional tersebut yang merupakan alumni jurusan ilmu hadis UIN Alauddin Makassar, dan sekarang menjadi presiden Pascasarjana PTIQ Jakarta.
Pembicara selanjutnya adalah Takdir Khair, M.Pd. yang merupakan presiden Pascasarjana UIN Jakarta atau UIN Syarif Hidayatullah.
Pembicara ketiga oleh Muhammad Asriady, S.Hd., M.Th.I, alumni ilmu hadis UIN Alauddin Makassar demisioner Ketua Dema FUFP dan Dema Pascasarjana UIN Alauddin Makassar, dan sekarang menjadi ketua prodi pendidikan agama Islam Institut Parahikma Indonesia.
Ketua Dema FUFP Andi Sultan Hasanuddin juga turut hadir dalam kegiatan seminar tersebut dan mewakili HMJ ILHA menyerahkan sertifikat kepada salah satu pemateri.
Kesuksesan acara seminar nasional tersebut tidak lepas dari kehendak Allah SWT, dan kerja keras dari para panitia dan pengurus HMJ ILHA UIN Alauddin Makassar dan kerjasama para peserta seminar nasional.
Sukses selalu untuk kita semua.

Minggu, 28 Mei 2017


(Ethnografi of South Sulawesi)


Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for University Lecture

Reg.No : 30700115027

Dra. Marhany Malik M.Hum


In the Name of Allah the Beneficent  and  the Merciful , All Praise be to Allah who gives writer guidance and strength in completing  this paper. And Shalawat and Salam or Peace and Blessing be upon the our Prophet  Muhammad saw, his families, his relatives, and his followers.
Firstly we want to say thank , or deeply gratefull to our advisor or our teacher Dra.  Marhany Malik M.Hum. who had given us working paper ,  guided us, and trained us to be well more than before and be professional for the field of our  study in the lecture.
Secondly we also apologize for the mistakes  and errors inherent in our paper,  therefore we ask for suggestions and criticsm that will lead us towards a better direction.


A.  The Background of Researh
            It’s no secret that Indonesian Country had many cultural, like ethnic, tradition, religion and other many different tradition between ethnic, how this is occur in Indonesian Country, because as long as we know that Indonesian Country had many Islands, and each Islands had climate and weather who made Indonesian People had different culture. but we have to greatfull because although we had different culture that’s not make us disconnected cause we have Slogan “ Bhineka Tunggal Ika” “Although We are Different but We are United”.
            About several culture, Allah had State in the Holy Qur’an in sura al-Hujurat verse 13 ;

يا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْناكُمْ مِنْ ذَكَرٍ وَأُنْثى وَجَعَلْناكُمْ شُعُوباً وَقَبائِلَ لِتَعارَفُوا إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ أَتْقاكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ

O Minkind, Indeed We have created you from male and female and made you people and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noblem of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is knowing and acquainted.
            And about Indonesian Culture, there is culture from South Sulawesi who different from other culture exactly in Bugis Ethnic. The culture is related to wedding tradition specially about Uang Panai’ they are mentioned. 
            The culture of Bugis in wedding tradition is very popular, even uang Panai’ become a film who showed in many cinema.
            Therefore we are interesting to explain and describe about one culture in South Sulawesi, and we give a tittle  “Wedding Tradition of Bugis Ethnic in South Sulawesi”

B.   Problem formulation
1.      Why is Wedding tradition of  Bugis Ethnic in South Sulawesi?

C.   Aim
1.      One of the Aim this reseach is to know about Bugis Tradition spesially about wedding tradition of  Bugis Ethnic in South Sulawesi.

A.  Ethnic Bugis and Their Culture ( Uang Panai’)
            The Bugis or Buginese People are an ethnic group, the most numerous of the three major linguistic and ethnic groups of South Sulawesi, in the southwestern province of Sulawesi, Third largest Island of Indonesia.[1] The Bugis in 1605 converted to Islam from Animism.[2] some Bugis converted to Christianity by means of marriage, but they have remained a minority.[3]
            Although many Buginese People live in the large port cities of Makassar and Pare pare, the majority are farmers who grow wet rice on the lowland plains to the north and west of the town of Maros. The Name Bugis is an enonym which represents on older form of the name Ugi is the endonym.
            The Buginese People speak a distinct regional language in addition to Indonesian, called Basa Ugi, Bugis, or Buginese. In Reality, there are several dialects, some of wich are sufficiently different from others to be considered separate languages . Buginese Language belongs to the South Sulawesi language group other members include Makassarese Language, Torajan, Mandar,  and Enrekang, each being a series of dialects.[4]
            About lifestyle of Buginese, most present-day Buginese now earn their living as rice farmers, traders, or fisherman, woman help with the agricultural cycle and work in  the homes.
            Many of the marriages are still arranged by parents and ideally take place between by cousins. A newlywed couple often lives with the wife’s family for the first few years of their marriage.
            We usually find the class in Buginese People as below;
1.      Noble or Arung in Buginese and Karaeng in Makassar
2.      Daeng is class under Noble Group
3.      Tosama is class of human or someone in society community is not Daeng, Arung, or Karaeng but also not Ata
4.      Ata is youngster , someone in society who always just common people who have not power, except allow all commands from Noble Class and other.[5]
            Linguistic study by B.F>. Matthes found that ancient South Sulawesi had written tradition using Indian Writing , in both Bugis who Used a language called Ugi, and the Makassar used a language called Mangsara. It is preserved on lontar leaves or paper. The writing is known as Aksara Lontara. Aksara is Sanskrit word for alphabet, and lontara is palm leaves.[6]
            The wedding ceremony in Bugis is called Mappabotting that have the meaning to take one another . Marriage is mutual bond between two people of the opposite sex to establish a familial relationship . The term of Marriage in Bugis is also called Mabbine that means planting the seeds for the next family.[7]
            Mappapbotting in Bugis language that’s meaning perform a wedding ceremony, while, wedding therminology in Bugis mentioned Siala that’s mean take one another, therefore the wedding is combination on both sides between two human have different gender for wreathe a relationship ( Christian pelras, 2006 : 178).[8]
            Before get Married, there are many stages that need to be done for common Bugis People . for the man who has not been betrothed then usually the family will find a spouse that is considered appropriate and suitable.[9]
            If someone people in South Sulawesi at Buginese Ethnic we can find before get married they must give some money or They called Uang Panai’.
            Before get married (akad) or couple affirmation, there are activity discussion’s offer about amount Uang Panai’ will given. It’s Standard depend with who asked Uang Panai’ Different with Mahar. Mahar is alone, and about Uang Panai’ only present in wedding tradition of Bugis-Makassar. may be in other ethnic also present discussion money offer but it’s name different. More Education their woman high, Also more high Uang Panai’ will given. Undergraduate program (S1) different with Master’s program (S2), Uang Panai’s amount decided by woman’s education. but in good information that before there is deal word about Uang Panai’s amount, that is can discussioned with her family, if man’s family near with women’s family, so the negosiation will easy to doing. not impossible may be has been close with her family , the Uang Panai’ is will not high given from woman’s family.
            Why there is Uang Panai’ ?. Cause is Symbol of fight who must doing by man for get women’s love who adore. According to the Bugis Tradition, love is something expensive and not easy human get it. The more again if woman have high quality who standarded by education, and generation, not beautifull of any kind but also good and have quality, that is value who rised by Uang Panai’ tradition of Bugis-Makassar ethnic.
            Other tradition mentioned Uang Panai’ is a model and representation from ethnic Bugis’s tradition a fisherman. they are usually take adventure on the sea for find a prosperity and when they come back , they are ask for the hand their woman’s adore who wait them.[10]

A.  Conclusion
1.      The Bugis or Buginese People are an ethnic group, the most numerous of the three major linguistic and ethnic groups of South Sulawesi, Buginese had many tradition one of them is the wedding ceremony in Bugis is called Mappabotting that have the meaning to take an each other. Before get married (akad) or couple affirmation, there are activity discussion’s offer about Uang Panai’s amount will given. It’s standarded depend with who asked. Uang Panai’ Different with Mahar. Mahar is alone, and about Uang Panai’ only present in wedding tradition of Bugis-Makassar, may be in other ethnic also present discussion money offer but it’s name different. Why there is Uang Panai’ ?. Cause is symbol of fight who must doing by man for get women’s love who adore. According to the Bugis Tradition, Love is something expensive and not easy human get it, the more again if woman have high quality who standarded by education, and generation. Not beautifull of any kind but also good and have quality, that is value who rised by Uang Panai’ tradition of Bugis-Makassar ethnic

“10 Types of Indonesian Wedding Culture – Ceremonies and Customs” (27 Mei 2017) .

Abdul Rahim Mallewang. Pengantar Sosiologi. Makassar: Gunadarma Ilmu, 2013

“Bugis, Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia.  (27 Mei 2017 , dikutip dalam Akhsan Na’im, Hendry Syaputra (2011). Kewarganegaraan, Suku Bangsa, Agama, dan Bahasa sehari-hari Penduduk Indonesia Hasil Sensus Penduduk 2010. Badan Pusat Statistik. ISBN 97890644175.

 “Bugis, Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia. (27 Mei 2017 , dikutip dalam Keat Gin Ooi, Southeast Asia: A Historical Encyclopedia, From Angkor Wat to East Timor.ABC-CLIO, 2004. ISBN 1-57607-770-5

 “Bugis, Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia. (27 Mei 2017 , dikutip dalam Said, Nurman ( Summer 2004) . Religion and cultural Identity Among the Bugis ( A pliminary Remark ).Inter-Religio (journal).

 “Bugis, Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia. (27 Mei 2017 , dikutip dalam Mills, R.F. 1975.  Proto South Sulawesi and Proto Austronesian Phonology. Ph.D Thesis, University of Michingan.

“Mappabotting : Upacara adat perkawinan Orang Bugis Sulawesi Selatan” ( 27 Mei 2017).

 “The Bugis Sulawesi,” (27 Mei 2017).

 “Tradisi Uang Panai’’’ Bugis , Syarat adat yang tak jarang Bikin Pasangan Gagal Nikah”.’’’-asal-Bugis-sebelum-menikah-harus-membeli-pengantin-dulu/ (27 Mei 2017).

 [1]“Bugis, Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia. Mei 2017 , dikutip dalam Akhsan Na’im, Hendry Syaputra (2011). Kewarganegaraan, Suku Bangsa, Agama, dan Bahasa sehari-hari Penduduk Indonesia Hasil Sensus Penduduk 2010. Badan Pusat Statistik. ISBN 97890644175.

[2]“Bugis, Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia. Mei 2017 , dikutip dalam Keat Gin Ooi, Southeast Asia: A Historical Encyclopedia, From Angkor Wat to East Timor.ABC-CLIO, 2004. ISBN 1-57607-770-5

[3]“Bugis, Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia. Mei 2017 , dikutip dalam Said, Nurman ( Summer 2004) . Religion and cultural Identity Among the Bugis ( A pliminary Remark ).Inter-Religio (journal) (45): 12-20.
[4]“Bugis, Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia. Mei 2017 , dikutip dalam Mills, R.F. 1975.  Proto South Sulawesi and Proto Austronesian Phonology. Ph.D Thesis, University of Michingan.

[5]Abdul Rahim Mallewang. Pengantar Sosiologi.(Makassar: Gunadarma Ilmu, 2013) h.85.
[6]“The Bugis Sulawesi,” (27 Mei 2017).

[7]“10 Types of Indonesian Wedding Culture – Ceremonies and Customs” (27 Mei 2017) .

[8]“Mappabotting : Upacara adat perkawinan Orang Bugis Sulawesi Selatan” ( 27 Mei 2017).
[9]“10 Types of Indonesian Wedding Culture – Ceremonies and Customs” (27 Mei 2017) .
[10] “Tradisi Uang Panai’’’ Bugis , Syarat adat yang tak jarang Bikin Pasangan Gagal Nikah”.’’’-asal-Bugis-sebelum-menikah-harus-membeli-pengantin-dulu/ (27 Mei 2017).